The crucial importance of middle school choice: investing in the future with the Keynes Institute

In the vast landscape of Italian education, the choice of the middle school represents a crucial point in every student's educational journey. However, in recent years, the critical situation of public middle schooling in Italy has raised serious concerns among parents and students. In fact, according to the latest report by the Agnelli Foundation, middle school has significant gaps that affect students in their most training. One of the critical aspects highlighted concerns the faculty, often characterized by advanced age and a lack of professional development. Invalsi data released last July also confirm the problem, highlighting how middle school is the time when many Italian students accumulate gaps in thelearning. The report also points out that despite efforts to improve the situation, ten years later the quality of learning of middle school students remains critical, falling short not only of the average of other advanced countries, but also of the levels that might be expected on the basis of elementary school results. Another worrying aspect always concerns the teaching staff: despite the hiring provided for by the law of the Good School of 2015 and increased retirements, the much-desired rejuvenation of the teaching staff has not occurred. L'average age of teachers, on the other hand, has remained virtually unchanged, with a significant number of senior teachers. In addition, there is a growing precariousness in teaching, with an increase in annual or temporary assignments, which negatively affects the stability and on the quality of teaching. These data raise questions about the need for improved educational training To ensure a better quality of teaching. Adolescence represents a crucial phase in students' lives, and middle school plays a key role in their growth and education. It is during these years that adolescents develop their identity and their own social and emotional skills, which further underscores the importance of quality education during this critical period. It is in this context that the importance of opting for the Middle School of Keynes Institute, a'private institution of excellence which places the well-being of students and their emotional development. The future of our young people deserves the best, and we are here to offer it.